Morgaine's Musings

A place for me to share my musings, my crafts, and whatever else comes to mind.

Location: Hogsmeade, Middle Earth, United States

I am an aspiring fantasy writer. J. K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien are my inspiration. I am a married mom of two. I am studying the Avalonian and Celtic mythologies.

03 October 2006

It's Almost That Time of Year Again

Well, in less than a month now, NaNoWriMO will begin. I plan to participate and have already signed up.

50,000 words seem like a daunting task to a beginning writer like myself. I have no "formal" training. I just have these characters and their story in my head, and they are begging to be written.

I hope to use this month for planning out my novel or at least the rest of it. I have about 6 chapters written, but my crit partner has pointed out that much of it if not all of is passively written. I can't help how I am getting it down on paper. I just need to get it written and then go back and edit what needs editing. If I keep editing and re-editing what I already have, it will never get done.

So I have around 6 chapters and just over 5000 words. Do I scrap them all and start over? Do edit what I have and move forward? Do I want a passive novel? Just some questions I need to answer before November 1st.

Happy Writing!


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