Passive Writing... Is it a bad thing?
Passive writing. What is it? Is it so bad? Is it ok to use for a draft only to be edited later? I have no clue.
My writing buddy says I'm a passive writer. Every week I have to submit something to her for critiquing and she does the same. And every week she says that although my story idea is good and has her interest, my writing is passive. So she proceeds to rip into my piece and point out all of the passive moments.
I can't help how it comes out of my head. She says I write like most of us speak. I don't know. I am not formally trained in novel writing. I don't have a degree in the arts or English. I don't have a degree, period. I would have had an Associates in Liberal Arts and Humanities if we didn't move out of state before I could finish. And than financial difficulties struck, the I had kids and moved a few more times.
Maybe I need to take the time to find out more about this taboo of passive writing before I continue my novel. If it's a terrible thing that will hinder me from being taken as a serious writer or from getting published in the future, I need to purge it from my system before I get to far into my novel.
Hopefully, by my next post, I will have found out the Pros and Cons of passive writing and I can share them.
Until then, Happy Writing!
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